Nick Giambruno

281 days ago

Video: The Current World Order is Breaking Down, buy gold AND Bitcoin

Nick Giambruno, founder of The Financial Underground and Editor-in-Chief of the Contra Speculator is the sort of conspiracy theorist I like my wife to listen to in order that she realises how moderate and mainstream I really am.


1053 days ago

Video: Inflation – Redefining Robbery

Nick Giambruno is Chief Analyst of The Casey Report and warns that the thief in the night is now out of control.  Nick differentiates money from fiat currency and where investors should hold their wealth in times of crisis. He argues that Bitcoin is a good alternative and is not unlike gold. Digital scarcity is a new invention, and the real revolution is in bitcoin, not other digital currencies. Bitcoin is unique because it isn’t controlled by banks or corporations and works as a form of digital gold. He believes bitcoin is in the process of monetization around the world.


1345 days ago

Video: We are in the Early Stages of the Largest Bull Market in the History of Precious Metals

Analyst Nick Giambruno explains which assets are “hard assets” and so will fly when fiat is, as now, being debauched. There are key characteristics that make gold the best money, and other assets like silver and bitcoin share many of those features. Bitcoin fits this definition because it’s scarce, and its supply growth is similar to that of gold, gradually declining.
